Sunday 12 January 2014

Week 2: For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway

– No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
John Donne
Frequently I found myself turning back to the above epigraph, and each time I did so the poignancy of Hemingway's novel intensified. 

I did not know that Hemingway's father committed suicide; this knowledge adds another shade to the novel's powerful appraisal of the value of human life. If Hemingway's own thoughts on the act of death are manifested in this novel, they do not do so from a singular perspective. Rather, Hemingway employs a range of tones to give the novel a wonderfully rich colour: 

Firstly, mandatory, martial, imperative 
 "'Do you think you have a right to kill any one? No. But I have to.'"
leading to a transaction of sorts, a simple cost-analysis,
"'And thy people?' Agustín said to Pablo out of his dry mouth.
'All dead,' Pablo said. He was almost unable to breath. Agustín turned his head and looked at him.
'We have plenty of horses now, Inglés,' Pablo panted."
and then comes denial. Killing becomes unconsecrated, secular, disavowed
"'To me it is a sin to kill a man' [...] But you mustn't believe in killing, he told himself. You must do it as a necessity but you must not believe in it. You must do it as a necessity but you must not believe in it. If you believe in it the whole thing is wrong."
but not without contrition,
"It was a thing of great ugliness, but I had thought if this is how it must be, this is how it must be, and at least there was no cruelty, only the depriving of life which, as we all have learned in these years, is a thing of ugliness but also a necessity if we are to win, and to preserve the Republic."
which cannot be resolved and so ends in abnegation. 
"He knew he himself was nothing, and he knew death was nothing."
I could write an essay on the last sentence of the book alone. It's poetry:
"He could feel his heart beating against the pine needle floor of the forest."
"He could feel his heart beating..." - an affirmation of life, the most elementary awareness of consciousness
"...against..." - a struggle, in opposition
"...the pine needle floor..." - fallen, abandoned to nature, not celestial but terrestrial 
"...of the forest." - a place of free spirits, where myths are born and magic is made.

Someone said they thought they read this book for A-Level - how's about this for an essay title?
In Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls, Robert Jordan's will to live and love is constantly opposed by his reduction of men to bodies. Only through this action can life be transformed into liberty. - discuss in reference to the last line of the novel.

I'd love to have a crack at that one, one day. 5/5 

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